In the decade since Fraxel first pioneered true fractional laser technology, physicians around the world have treated more than 800,000 patients. That’s nearly a million treatments for women and men of all ethnicities, each with their own reasons for wanting to look and feel younger.

How fraxel treatment works wonder

The technology behind Fraxel treatment is as revolutionary as the results it can deliver. Unlike other laser treatments, Fraxel treatment is able to precisely treat thousands of microscopic areas of skin, using pinpoint laser beams that penetrate beneath the skin surface to eliminate old, damaged skin cells. Fraxel treatment stimulates the body’s own natural healing process which replaces damaged skin with fresh, glowing, healthy skin.

This laser is great for the following treatment areas:

Face: surface wrinkles, brown spots, pigmentation, roughness, acne scars.
Face, Neck & Chest: acne scars.
Neck: wrinkles and pigmentation.
Chest: sun damage, wrinkles, freckles, brown spots.
Hands: age spots, weathered appearance.
Arms: age spots, rough skin, actinic keratoses.
Hips & Abdomen: stretch marks.

Your personalized fraxel treatment plan

Your skin is unique –your generic make-up, lifestyle, and personal history all contribute to how your skin looks and feels. With Fraxel treatment, your physician/technician can develop a treatment plan tailored to your skin individual needs.

By design, Fraxel treatments can target between 5 and 35 percent of the skin’s surface. Leaving the remaining 65 to 95 percent available to quickly heal the treated areas. Since Fraxel treatment is so precise. It’s safe and effective on delicate skin areas like the neck, chest, and hands, in addition to the face. You can expect two levels of results, immediate and progressive. Immediately after initial healing is complete, the surface of your skin will feel softer, look brighter, and tone start to become even. Progressive results occur over the next three to six months as the deeper layers of skin continue to heal.

Simply put, Fraxel treatment promotes your skin’s own healing process, resulting in natural rejuvenation that removes years from your appearance.

Depending on your skin, you can decide how you want to attain the remarkable results Fraxel treatment delivers. Aggressive treatments require fewer sessions and results may include more post-treatment redness and possible swelling –meaning a few days of social downtime. Less aggressive treatments accomplish the same results, with a few more treatment sessions and pronounced side effects. For some types of skin and skin conditions, gentle and/or fewer treatments are best. Fraxel treatment was specifically engineered to give your physician/technician complete treatment control based on your particular needs.

The Fraxel Consultation

Every patient requires a consultation with a licensed laser provider prior to receiving any laser treatments. During the consultation, we will examine your skin type, tone, and texture and discuss your desired results. We will review your medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate for treatment and can safely receive lasers. Once we determine you can safely receive Fraxel and that it’s the right treatment for your unique needs, we’ll get you started with a treatment series for best results.

The Fraxel Treatment

Prior to treatment, your provider will apply a topical numbing cream and allow time for it to activate. This allows you to feel more comfortable during the Fraxel procedure. Once the numbing cream has taken effect, we will give you special protective eyewear; this protects your eyesight from the beam of light. Your provider will wear special goggles to protect their eyes as well. We will then use the laser to pinpoint the specific areas of concern. Following treatment, you will receive post-care instructions and a schedule for a follow-up treatment.

What to Expect from a Fraxel Treatment at Ultra Smooth Skin

At Cryo Energy, our providers are experienced and trained in numerous laser skin treatment technologies With multiple locations, we offer patients superior results and convenient appointment times in a comfortable, welcoming environment.


  • Smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin.

  • Improved tone and texture.

  • Reduction of unwanted brown spots.

  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

  • Improved appearance of acne scars and surgical scars.


  • The Fraxel Laser has received FDA clearances for skin resurfacing procedures; the photocoagulation of pigmented lesions, such as lentigos (age spots); solar lentigos (sun spots), and dyschromia; treatment of periorbital wrinkles; and for dermatological conditions requiring the coagulation of soft tissue. It is also approved for the treatment of scars and wrinkles.

  • We recommend between 3–5 treatments for optimal results.

  • Your skin will be cleansed thoroughly and a numbing cream will be applied. The procedure is relatively painless and takes about 15 minutes to conduct. It is safe for all skin types.

  • Side effects are minimal and usually limited to a sunburn-like redness that disappears in about 24 hours. Within 24 hours, new epidermal skin will develop and your skin will have a bronze appearance which can last from three days up to two weeks depending on what level of treatment you have received. As the new epidermal tissue replaces the damaged tissue, your skin will flake off. Moisturizer can counteract some of the flaking effects.

  • You may apply makeup or shave soon after treatment. However, we recommend that you also use sunscreen under your cosmetics to protect your fresh skin from sun damage.

  • Absolutely be sure to wear at least SPF-30 sunscreen and apply twice a day. You must completely avoid the sun and take extra care to protect your skin from more damage.